It’s All About the People

Jun 25, 2021

There are three words you’ll often see associated with IT: people, process, and technology. The “golden triangle” of strategy, organisation, and technical processes has also been referred to as the “three pillars of success”, and a way to solve complex business problems. 

When new technologies are introduced, many companies just set them up and hope they work, but in reality, the processes around them are more important than the technology itself, and it’s the people who determine the efficiency of those processes. 

Let’s be clear though, all those aspects are important. For a business to succeed, it requires an approach that balances the relationship between people, processes and technology. If you try to treat strategy, management, and delivery as components of an assembly line, you will appear cold. You will waste time, and your best people will move on. Project management does not have to be that way. 

People are the beating heart of project management

In addition to overseeing a project, you’re also responsible for managing the team. That means offering directions and guidance, improving performance, and allocating work wisely.

The leader of your key project needs to be a strong conversationalist and that means being a good listener. Respecting others is crucial in the role. They need to deal with people in a genuine manner, so they’ll know that it’s not only about the budget and schedule, but that you care about them and the operation. You’re on the path to success if you can get the respect of your team and your stakeholders. Strong leadership and good communication among all team members equates to positive project results.

Understand your key players

Project managers need to understand their key players. Make an effort to relate to your team members, empathise with them, listen to them, and communicate with them. You need to have the ability to read people’s personalities so that you can meet their needs and create an environment where their strengths and abilities can flourish. 

It’s the same with stakeholders and the wider business, interact positively with them, respect their point of view, and you’ll gain their support for your project. 

Build a team that consists of the right people

Practical experience, knowledge, and commitment help you solve problems. Too many organisations don’t have people who have practical experiences making decisions. They can make the dream happen, so they’re essential in leading your team to success.

As project sponsor, we know you need a team that you can trust. We hire battle hardened PMs and BAs that can lead your team with confidence on the delivery journey. Is it time you review the people that are leading your projects?