Is Your Project Falling Short on Value?

Is Your Project Falling Short on Value?

When a project’s scope is initially being mapped out, chances are that the team will be feeling optimistic. Nobody starts a project thinking the worst, in fact, at the beginning most will think of only the benefits the project can bring to the table, and rightly so. A...

The Hidden Risks to Project Delivery

The Hidden Risks to Project Delivery

Projects go bad in multiple ways. And even when put through a project review, causes of failure can remain hidden. Scope creep is a good example. When it happens mid-project it’s usually obvious - changes to a project scope should be well documented and tracked...

How Optimism Can Ruin Your Project Plan

How Optimism Can Ruin Your Project Plan

A well drilled project team has every member clear on their role. Watching a well oiled project machine at work is a beautiful thing. Getting the right skills into the right roles is key to smashing the Iron Triangle and over the years successful project team members...

The Lean Project Charter

The Lean Project Charter

I’d always been a fan of producing a project charter, otherwise known as a project management plan or PID, as I always found it to be a useful way to help structure my thinking about the project delivery approach and to get buy in from stakeholders on that approach. ...

Is The Problem Worth Solving?

Is The Problem Worth Solving?

How many times have you seen businesses dive head-first into a project without first validating the true impact of the problem on the business?  There are few things more frustrating as trying to solve a problem that nobody can articulate.  And of course, the typical...

Getting Your Project Off the Ground with Decisive Sponsorship

Getting Your Project Off the Ground with Decisive Sponsorship

Sponsor behaviour is a huge driver in project success. An indecisive sponsor, reliant on a weak team, or unsure of their preferred direction will drag a project down. Conversely, active and decisive sponsorship creates passionate leadership and proactive thinking, and...

Initiating A Project For Success

Initiating A Project For Success

So you have a valid business idea you are keen to run with. And you want to initiate a project to deliver this?   You don’t want this to take an age but you need to get it right. At Luminate we work through a three step agile process to get your project up and running...