Finding The Right Trusted Expert For Your Project

Finding The Right Trusted Expert For Your Project

Covid 19 has thrust trusted experts right back into the news. Six months ago names like Ashley Bloomfield, Sir David Skegg and Professor Michael Baker were largely anonymous. Today they’re public figures, with our futures in their hands. Globally, we’ve seen countries...

The Power of No

The Power of No

Every great project manager knows when to say no. Although yes can often be easier. Especially with the sponsor staring you in the face, asking the impossible and slowly tightening those purse strings... But seriously - the project manager who can’t say no will...

PMs – Natural Born Worriers

PMs – Natural Born Worriers

Let’s face it… worrying and PMs are made for each other. Managing projects is a tricky business, and the PM who says they never worry is likely a liar. Truth is, you’ll always worry about your project. It’s what you do with that worry that separates the good from the...

Identifying a Natural Born Project Manager

Identifying a Natural Born Project Manager

Spotting a great project manager is easier than you think. Some businesses take a relaxed approach to the role. It’s not unusual for resident subject matter experts to find themselves project managing, or for someone with excess capacity to find themselves shoehorned...

Square Peg, Round Hole?

Square Peg, Round Hole?

There are two types of project managers. You’ll all recognise the Type 1 PM. The task list jockey who systematically ticks off activities on a pre-determined list and every now and then, when operating in a stable and mature environment, flukes a win. Primarily...

Vitamins for Project Fatigue

Vitamins for Project Fatigue

We’ve all experienced fatigue before, but what do people mean when they talk about project fatigue? Within a project it often describes the circumstance where people lose sight of the reason for the project and their focus shifts solely to completion of tasks, which...

If You Can’t Change The People … Change The People

If You Can’t Change The People … Change The People

All of the more notable advances in project delivery methods in the last 10 years have had a particular focus on people more than process.  Not people in place of process but certainly people first. For example the first of the four principles that make up the...