Why Work With A Type 2 Project Manager?

Jul 9, 2021

Choosing the right project manager in the workplace can go well or can work out terribly. Some PMs get things moving forward smoothly, keep everyone informed, and aim for results at all times.

Another kind of PM does their job diligently, but under the surface, the whole thing is a mess. They don’t have a clue what’s going on and aren’t even close to understanding the heartbeat of the project. For this kind of manager, the odds of a project failing are short.

Not everyone will succeed at project management. The crucial question is: What do good PMs do?

There are two types of PMs: those who deliver results and those who don’t. Let’s examine the two.

A PM who ticks the boxes

Project managers have smarts, understand the processes, and are familiar with their industry and operations well. They report on the daily activities and generate status reports. They do what they’re told, no matter what. They are diligent, invested individuals who work hard on their reports and show their opinions when necessary. They are there to manage, not to take charge. 

This doesn’t sound like a bad project manager, does it? 

In a crisis however, these people may only state the problems instead of taking control of a project. They share their opinions without talking about their reasoning or finding solutions in advance. Their leadership skills are lacking, and they fail to realise what it takes to establish a reputation for leading effectively, holding people accountable, and achieving results. Quite simply they are task list managers.  Ineffectual box tickers.  I call these people Type 1 PMs and I steer clear of them with a barge pole!

Here comes a Type 2 PM

In contrast, a Type 2 PM takes the extra step of being proactive with problems that they are tasked with solving. They are highly organised, capable of prioritising tasks and create and implement action plans that work, instead of finding excuses.  They run at the fire!

Type 2 PMs know the status of operations and are prepared to flag issues, seek solutions, and push back on demands when needed. They know how to create a win-win scenario, whether it involves negotiating a contract or securing budget resources.

Choose to work with a Type 2 Project Manager

Good PMs do more than just managing projects. They take the crucial extra step of ensuring their teams are well-trained and they commit the necessary resources.

Do you have the right project manager in place for your next project?

Think about both your project’s as well as your organisation’s ultimate objectives. 

At Luminate, we only have Type 2 project managers who can adapt to new environments and take the steps needed to take control of a project. We can help you by working together to meet those business goals.